I am Dr. Milind Shah, an accomplished Obstetrician, Gynecologist, and Sonologist deeply committed to women’s health and well-being. With a comprehensive background and qualifications like MBBS, MD, DGO, DFP, FICOG, and FIAOG, I offer a breadth of expertise in various areas of women’s healthcare.
Visionary Leader in Women’s Health and Medical Advocacy :
- President ISOPARB (Indian Society of Perinatology & Reproductive Biology) (2016-18)
- Member of Maternal & Fetal Medicine Committee of AOFOG (Asia Oceania Federation of OBGYN)
- President, IMA (Indian Medical Association, Solapur Branch) (2021-22)
- Chairman, Safe Motherhood Subcommittee, IMA Maharashtra State
- Founder President of IHRF ( Infertility & High Risk Foundation)
- Hon. Secretary General (FAOPS): Federation of Asia Oceania Perinatal Societies
- Vice President of FOGSI (Federation of all Gynecological Societies of India) (2011)
- President Elect, ISPAT (Indian Society of Prenatal Diagnosis & Fetal Therapy) (2019-21)
- Deputy Secretary General InSARG ( Indian Society of Aesthetic & Regenerative Gynecologists)
- Ex-Chairman, Rural Obstetrics Committee of FOGSI (2004-2008)
- Ex Managing committee member-IAGE (Indian Association of Gynecology Endoscopist), ISAR ( Indian Society of Assisted Reproduction), IFUMB (Indian Federation of Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology), IMLEA ( Indian Medico legal & Ethics Association)
- Peer reviewer for Journal of OBGY of India (JOGI)
- Past Steering committee member-Asia Safe Abortion Partnership (ASAP)
- Prof. & HOD, Dept. of OBGY, Gandhi Natha H. Medical College
- Visited many countries like USA, UK, Canada, Chile, France, Switzerland, Japan, Thailand, Srilanka, Nepal, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangla Desh, Singapore, Malaysia, South Africa, China, Portugal, Vietnam, Taiwan, Indonesia, Mauritius, Philippines, UAE, Serbia, Peru, Brazil, South Korea, Dominican Republic & all over India to deliver lectures on various topics in OBGY
- Authored a book “Hypertensive Disorders in Pregnancy”, “Pelvic Organ Prolapse” and contributed more than 20 chapters in various books
- Published many National & International scientific papers on credit & part of research team
- Active Rotarian